America was founded as a white Christian nation under God.
America is no longer a white Christian nation under God.
America is no longer a country and we are not Americans. America and ourselves are CORPORATIONS.
In the AMERICA menu you will see plenty of links, videos, articles, documents, and information that clearly shows that our 1st and 2nd Amendments are under attack. You will clearly see that we are all in BIG TROUBLE because we have allowed the enemy into our lands…AGAIN! Now we are the enemy in our own land.
Scroll down for more links.
Check out the “reasons” they’re labeling Americans as right wing extremists now:
• Combat veterans who are quote unquote “disgruntled about the takeover of their country.” (Well, at least they’re saying the quiet part out loud now.)
• Anyone that opposes war…because as you know, nothing is more “extreme” than not wanting to drone bomb kids and fight by proxy wars for Lindsay Graham and the rest of the murderers over at the banks and the military industrial complex.
• People that don’t think they should be paying income taxes because Congress violated the Constitution in the first place to push it through by lying to everyone…which is actually 100% accurate. They did the same thing with the Federal Reserve.
• Anyone that opposes the Feds restricting their 2nd amendment rights, even though it’s literally within our rights to.
• Anyone with a better explanation to all these mass shootings and domestic terrorist attacks than our lying ass government who blatantly committed some of them and allowed others to happen while poorly covering it up. (9/11, Oklahoma Bombing, Ruby Ridge, Las Vegas shooting, anyone?)
• Anyone who opposes open borders, which is most people…so good luck with that.
• Anyone against abortion because hey…Planned Parenthood isn’t buying off politicians for nothing.
• Anyone that considers themselves a “Patriot” because….well, you’re getting in the way of them destroying the country you love, silly!
• Anyone that brings up the US Constitution, you know…that thing that restricts these assholes from doing the exact same things they’re doing now.
• Supports a 3rd party candidate, because how dare you not vote for the useless, shit candidates the parties shove down our throats every election cycle! These people need to maintain their privileged status quo!
• Anyone that wants to audit the Federal Reserve… because how dare you want to know how they keep losing track of trillions of dollars! (Meanwhile they hired 87,000 IRS agents to nickel and dime the rest of us about what we sell on EBay.)
• Anyone that opposes a carbon tax to a World Bank. (Yes, that’s literally how they word it too, but I’m glad that was also considered just a “conspiracy theory.”)
• And finally…anyone that opposes the United Nations or the WHO, even though the UN has been raping women and children in 3rd world countries for decades and the WHO just tried to kill everyone with a poisoned shot over a virus they also illegally made in a lab to kill and control everybody.
The Fathers of America – Sheldon Emry sermon – Lengthy quotes from John Adams, Patrick Henry, James Madison, and Thomas Jefferson. Shows why Christians should honour such “fathers” of our nation.
The Bible and the Great Seal Pt 1 – Sheldon Emry – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5 – 6 – 7 – 8 – 9
America Is God’s Country – Sheldon Emry – American historical documents/prophecy
America’s Roots Pt1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5 – 6 – 7 – 8 – 9 – 10 – 11 – 12 Proof America was founded upon Jesus Christ
Whores Galore in America (Parts 1-8) – Peter J. Peters sermon series