Thanks to the…
Tell Me Lies… | MSM COVERING FOR THE MAIN-EFFECTS OF THE JAB – 3 min compilation
THE PUPPET SHOW – 5 min vid
IF YOU STILL BELIEVE THE MEDIA, PLEASE START HERE COVID-19 You can catch up on: General Information -Mainstream MEDIA- WHAT IS A VIRUS? Can you 'catch' one? - So is COVID-19 Real? - FACE MASK Information - Mandatory Vaccine Information - Covid-19 Testing Information - COVID-19 VACCINE Information - Doctors and Nurses EXPOSING the Medical Mafia - It's all about the $$$ - Shelter in Place -Handwashing-Social Distancing - COVID CHILD ABUSE - Bill Gates Information - Know Your Rights - The Great Awakening Are you waking up yet? - Disturbing facts about the CDC - FEMA - W.H.O.
IT'S BEEN 3 YEARS NOW, CAN YOU SEE THROUGH THE FEAR-PORN YET? THE PANDEMIC IS NOT OVER - SCRIPT PARROTED - W.H.O. GIVEN SOVEREIGNTY OVER NATIONS - 3 min MONKEY POX BUSINESS (see Latest section below as this is gaining steam) WHO TEDROS IS "CONCERNED BY THE SCALE AND SPREAD" OF THE MONKEYPOX VIRUS OUTBREAK - 1 min (another 'virus' that's never been isolated) BIRD FLU 2.0 is next BIRD FLU: the Next Pandemic? - 21 min (IceAgeFarmer) A I D S is Back in the House! HIV Caused by Vaxxination - 6 min O M I C R O N = moronic OMICRON SCARIANT DEATH PORN - 4 min vid BILL GATES CONFIRMS "OMICRON IS A TYPE OF VACCINE" - 1 min * Could it be that it was given via 'test swabs'? Go to the COVID-19 page and see for yourself. Scroll down to the COVID-19 Testing Section, you will see articles, studies, and documented proof of what is on these 'test swabs' and what they are capable of.
In case you haven't realized:COVID-19 HAS NEVER BEEN ISOLATED. CDC 2019-Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel - pdf ( CDC)(On page 40, in a section titled, “Performance Characteristics,” we have this: “Since no quantified virus isolates of the 2019-nCoV are currently available...") THEY CHANGED THINGS, this info is now on page 43. Here's the original snapshot FOIs reveal that health/science institutions around the world have no record of SARS-COV-2 isolation/purification, anywhere, ever - article/website Canadian public health officials have no record of SARS-COV-2 isolation/purification performed anywhere, ever - article/snapshot of document Research summary and debunk regarding the existence of "SARS-CoV-2" and "COVID-19" - TONS of links THERE IS NO SARS-COV-2, THERE IS NO COVID 19 AND THERE ARE NO VARIANTS - 5 min (Dr Poornima Wagh)(7/21/22) See: So is COVID-19 Real? on the COVID-19 page. COVID-19 IS NOT CONTAGIOUS. Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 - CDC document (under Results-paragraph 6-second sentence "Therefore, we examined the capacity of SARS-CoV-2 to infect and replicate in several common primate and human cell lines,...for SARS-CoV-2 replication capacity." "No CPE was observed...") CDC NOW Admits NO 'Gold Standard' for the Isolation for ANY Virus! - website See: WHAT IS A VIRUS? Can you 'catch' one? on the COVID-19 page. THIS 'phase' OF REGULATIONS CONTINUES TO 2025. COVID-19 Strategic Preparedness and Response Program - World Bank Project (see page 6- this plandemic is an exercise and this 'phase' will continue until March 31,2025 !) This agenda will not stop. New 'scariants' will constantly emerge. THIS PLANDEMIC WAS PLANNED. COVID = Certificate Of Vaccination ID - It's not a virus, it's a Global Agenda. This guy explains it all. MUST SEE!!! CORONA Plandemic - 45 min vid (covers the COVID Action Platform-World Economic Forum and W.H.O) Lockstep...the 2010 plan for your future - document COVID-19 Strategic Intelligence - COVID Action Plan (These 2 sites show the World Forum Global Response Plan) Investors are interested at the height of a crisis,...until an infectious disease crisis is very real, present, and at an emergency threshold, it is often largely ignored. To sustain the funding base beyond the crisis, he said, we need to increase public understanding of the need for MCMs such as a pan-influenza or pan-coronavirus vaccine. A key driver is the media, and the economics follow the hype. We need to use that hype to our advantage to get to the real issues. Investors will respond if they see profit at the end of process, Daszak stated. 2016 Developing MCM's for Coronavirus - Ultimate Proof: Covid-19 Was Planned To Usher In The New World Order - Excellent all-in-one document/proof/links/doctor testimonies 2012 London Olympics Opening Ceremony a Ritual - 11 min vid (Covid-19 predictive programming) 1992 BARCELONA OLYMPICS OPENING CEREMONY - 3 min vid ROADMAP FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF... - 2019-22 - Global Vaccine Summit - 10 actions/10-12-19 W.H.O. System and Method for Testing for COVID-19 - document (10/13/2015) 666 DAYS AFTER 'CLADE X PLANDEMIC EXERCISE' W.H.O. declares Pandemic - 3 min vid THE PCR and COVID-19 TESTS ARE A SCAM. DR. KARY MULLIS - “MISUSE” OF THE PCR TEST - 2 min vid (Dr. Mullis is the inventor of the PCR Test) MAKER OF COVID-TESTS SAYS PANDEMIC IS BIGGEST HOAX EVER PERPETUATED - 4 min vid (Dr. Roger Hodkinson CEO of a biotech company that makes COVID tests) The material the PCR Tests are finding is your own DNA - 3 min vid (Amandha Vollmer) FDA document admits “covid” PCR test was developed without isolated covid samples for test calibration, effectively admitting it’s testing something else - article/links WHO Admits High-Cycle PCR Tests Produce COVID False Positives - article/links CDC Withdraws PCR Testing Protocol - article/links COVID-19 Test kits exports by country in 2018 - more (Test kits for CV-19 in 2018? No, this wasn't planned! Also, these documents, originally read 'COVID-19 Test Kits, were changed to read 'Medical Test Kits' after 9/9/20 when too many researchers found these documents!)(Don't believe it? BUSTED!!! Here's a snapshot from before 9/9/20 COVID-19 Test Kits 2018 - more ) See: Covid-19 Testing Information on the COVID-19 page. And Bill Gates Tells the Truth - 4 min vid MASKS DON'T WORK MASKS = RITUAL INITIATION MASKS = ACTS OF SELF HARM
1 JAB 2 JABS 3 JABS 4 JABS AH AH AH THIS DOESN'T END UNTIL WE STOP COMPLYING! When You’ve Been Fully Vaccinated - document Have you been fully vaccinated? In general, people have been fully vaccinated * 2 weeks after their second dose in a 2-dose series, such as the Pfizer or ModeRNA vaccines, or * 2 weeks after a single-dose vaccine, such as Johnson & Johnson’s Janssen vaccine. If you don’t meet these requirements, regardless of your age, you are NOT fully vaccinated. FULLY VACCINATED MEANS 3 VACCINES - article Dr. Fauci Says It’s “a Matter of When, Not If” the Definition of “Fully Vaccinated” Changes - article/vid Pfizer CEO Declares FOURTH COVID Shot Needed - article/vid Pfizer’s COVID vaccine has 1,291 RARE side effects, own report shows - article/pdf. doc (scroll down to bottom of article to official document pdf. - pgs 30-38 list all the side effects)
Latest VIDEOS articles/documents and links for 2022 See all the info/articles/videos/links/documents from The Beginning to 2021 HERE LIFE SAVING 'VACCINE'?! - 9 min Decline the CV-19 Jab = You Certified as Insane, and... -3 min (GregReese) The Canadian government is preparing new laws to certify people INSANE if they don’t submit to their COVID death-shots. The laws provide new powers to seize property, children, and force vaccinate. Try COVID - 2 min COVID UPDATE: What is the truth? - pubmed document (11/8/22) WHAT'S REALLY IN THE COVID-19 INJECTIONS? - 10 min (laQuintaColumna)(11/1/22) THEIR DREAM OF KILLING HALF OF US OFF IS COMING TRUE SO THEY SAY - 1 min CDC NOW REQUIRING ALL CHILDREN GET COVID19 VAX SHOTS ADDING THEM TO THE IMMUNIZATION SCHEDULE - 13 min CRAZY!!! FLUVID-19 (2022) Documentary - 1 hr DEATH BY GOVT: MORE MILLENNIALS DIED IN 2021 THAN IN THE VIETNAM WAR - 2 min PLANDEMIC3 TRAILER - 8 min STUNNING: DR. PAUL THOMAS BLOWS UP THE CONVENTIONAL 'VACCINE' NARRATIVE - 6 min - Statistics and undeniable data charts (9/16/22) TOXIC COMPOUNDS FOUND IN ALL SHOTS WITHOUT EXCEPTION, PERMANENTLY CHANGING THE BLOOD OF THE VAXXED - 3 min THERE WAS AN (((UNEXPECTED)))) 40% INCREASE IN ALL CAUSE DEATHS IN 2021💉🧬💀🤨 - 8 min (Amazing how they won't admit it's the JAB!) NEW INTEL FROM CANADA WITH CHRIS SKY - 46 min (Lot's of info 8/2/22) MONEY AND MURDER IN HOSPITALS - 30 min ( POST-VAX FLIGHT RISKS – ARE YOU SAFE ON BOARD A PLANE? - 1:24 min (Conference Meeting) THEY’RE TELLING US WHAT THEY’RE GOING TO DO NEXT AND IT’S NOT LOOKING GOOD!!! - 15 min (PressForTruth) - The controversial quest to make a 'contagious' vaccine - article ( - Big Pharma In The Age of Covid-19(84) with G. Edward Griffin!!! - Press For Truth - 38 min NEUROSUPERVISION? - 32 min (Vaccine builds you into a Bluetooth device) THE END OF GERM THEORY - 2:35 min (SpaceBusters) MORTICIANS FIND MASSIVE BIO-STRUCTURES IN BODIES OF THE VACCINATED - 4 min (GregReese) BIOSTRUCTURES IN THE VEINS OF 'VACCINATED' - 6 min (InfoWars) Now 'they' are pushing SIDS and SADS ! Because doctors can't figure out why people are dying suddenly!?! IT'S THE TESTING/VACCINES/5G you morons! SUDDEN INFANT DEATH SYNDROME and SUDDEN ADULT DEATH SYNDROME ...hehe, right. O.K. Sure. Are you people going to fall for this?!!! PERFORMERS DYING, FALLING ILL AND COLLAPSING ON STAGE (53 IN 3 MONTHS TO 19 OCT 2022) - 7 min compilation Urgent warning to gardeners as soil "increases risk of killer heart disease" - article ( 'Dirt' causes heart disease now? FAKESTREAM 🤡 MEDIA HEART 💝 COMPILATION STORIES - 3 min 2 & 3 YEAR OLDS HAVE SEIZURES IS THE ''NEW NORMAL NOW'' - DR's ARE BAFFLED - 1 min (It's the vaccine you idiots!) YOUNG HEARTS PART 18 – SUDDEN ADULT DEATH SYNDROME (SADS) - HEALTHY YOUNG PEOPLE DYING SUDDENLY - 14 min STUPIDLY DEMENTED ADULTS SYNDROME - 58 min (TheCrowhouse-Max Igan) Here we go again... Four Futures for Economic Globalization: Scenarios and Their Implications - - ((Their)) agenda is just getting started! Monkeypox Was a Table-Top Simulation Only Last Year - article Boom! Caught Red Handed Planning a Monkey Pox Event - 43 min (AmazingPolly) NO MORE MONKEY BUSINESS - ANDREW KAUFMAN, M.D. - 53 min Monkeypox Mythology: Dr. Sam Bailey - 15 min MONKEY(POX) BUSINESS AS USUAL - 23 min (CorbettReport) Monkey starts at 9min mark Belief in “Viruses” is a Religion - Dr. Stefan Lanka - article/vid ( COVID UPDATE: What is the truth? - article by Russell Blaylock Mass die-off: Close to 180,000 died within 60 days of COVID-19 vaccination – England statistics office makes stunning admission - article/vid W.H.O. is taking control WHAT IS THE W.H.O. "PANDEMIC TREATY”? - 4 min WHO CONTROLS AMERICA - 18 min (DianaLenska) BE PREPARED FOR MORE VACCINES! - 6 min U.S. GOVERNMENT SURRENDERS AUTHORITY TO THE W.H.O., CITY MAYORS WORKING DIRECTLY WITH U.N - 3 min BREAKS BETWEEN "COVID WAVES" ARE PLANNED! - 7 min Digital Tyranny: The EU Digital Covid Vaccine Certificate Framework - mandatory vax laws via the W.H.O. TEXASLINDSAY: VAXXTERMINATION, MORE EVIDENCE, CORRELLATION BETWEEN JAB AND MORTALITY RATES - 14 min - data charts for each country showing boosters and mortality together The Contagion Myth and Germ Theory Hoax For Dummies - great article ANR RAW REPORT INTERVIEW WITH DIANA LENSKA PART 1 - 24 min WATCH THE WATER DOCUMENTARY - 47 min Dr. Ardis - CV-19 is SnakeVenom (take it for what it's worth, lotsa misinformation out there) DR. BRYAN ARDIS CLAIMS SNAKE VENOM IN WATER, VACCINES & REMDESIVIR?! - 4:45 min compilation of interviews A VOICE of REASON SNAKE VENOM - WATCH THE SNAKES! - DISCERNMENT TIME AGAIN, TRUTHERS. - AMANDHA VOLLMER - 1:06 min (don't fall for everything you hear) EVIDENCE OF NANOTECH & GRAPHENE OXIDE - 39 min Will Smith SLAPS Chris Rock - Jada and Alopecia areata after SARS-CoV-2 vaccination - document NEW WORLD ORDER + NEW NORMAL COMPILATION FT. GENOCIDAL UNDERTONES - 24 min THIS IS KAREN - 30 seconds (World Economic Forum)(hehe) COVID: EVERYTHING THEY WANT YOU TO FORGET - 6 min (ReallyGraceful) Eggs Hatching by the Millions: Bioweapon Shots Contain Living Parasite eggs - 9 min (StewPetersShow) VAXX ZOMBIES ! - 3 min (1995 video of Prof. Pierre Gilbert warns of mandatory vaccines w/liquid crystals, that when exposed to magnetic frequencies, turn vaccine recipients into "zombies"!) Hydrogel, 5G anyone? PROOF JABS CAUSE HEART ATTACKS AND STROKES - 19 min (SpaceBusters) VIROLOGY IS WAY PAST ITS CELL BY DATE - 7 min AWESOME!!! 5G & NANOTECH IN THE COVID SHOTS - 1:23 min -very well explained- HOSPITALS GETTING PAID AS MUCH AS $471,000 FOR EACH CONVID PATIENT - 3 min After AIDS, People who Received the COVID-19 Shot are now falsely testing positive for Syphilis - article MEL K & DR BRYAN ARDIS ON THE GLOBAL MEDICAL KILLING FIELDS & CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY 2-15-22 - 1:07 min WOW! NANO-MAN (DEEP NASAL SWAB TECH, RADIATION, INJECTION TECH, BORG ASSIMILATION) - 1:28 min vid (Spacebusters) DR. ASTRID STUCKELBERGER ON GRAPHENE OXIDE, PARASITES, AND TRANSISTORS FOUND IN VACCINES - 8 min MUST SEE!!! DR. STUCKELBERGER ON THE DANGERS OF COVID VACCINES - 5 min VIRUS AND MRNA THEORY OFFICIALLY OVER! - 34 min (Spacebusters) (Dr. Cowan & Merritt) Excellent!! 5G YOUR DNA 666 AND THE MARK OF THE BEAST - 35 min (Diana Lenska) DR. PABLO CAMPRA ON DNA CRYSTALS IN COVID 'VACCINES' - 3 min COVID VACCINE MICROPHOTOGRAPHS BY SALVADOR PEREZ MARTÍN - 3 min 100 questions they don't want to answer - newsletter 5G IS WHAT'S KILLING US - 4 min (coronavirus map and 5G networks) DR. YOUNG ON THE REALITY FOR THE JABBED - 10 min Over 1000 published studies provide evidence that the COVID-19 "vaccines" are DANGEROUS - website/article/links BOOSTERS FOR LIFE - 5 min (what each Coronavirus vaccine contains in them and how each booster shot is making humans dependent on taking Boosters for LIFE) THIS IS WHAT THEY ARE TRYING TO DO TO US! - 16 min -Graphene- NANOTECH - FOODS AS PRODUCTION AND DELIVERY VEHICLES FOR HUMAN VACCINES - 2 min SCHIZER - BECAUSE WE CARE (ABOUT OUR PROFITS) - 1 min MURDERNA - Innovative Malpractice - 1 min DR LUIS BENETO STUDIES VACCINATED BLUETOOTH CONNECTIONS - 8 min ODMS: Oxygen Deprivation Mask Syndrome now sweeping across the globe - research article Scientists say COVID-19 outbreak in deer could mean trouble for humans - article/vid - Do people really believe this crap?!! AUTHORITARIAN MISINFORMATION: FAKE EXPERTS FLIP FLOP - 54 min compilation GRAPHENE OXIDE ONE OF THE REASONS WHY PFIZER WANTED TO HIDE THEIR DOCUMENTS FOR 75 YEARS! - 1 min (See Pfizer doc. pg 7 section 3.4 Pfizer pdf. - LaQuinta Columna Dr. Campra detects Graphene Oxide) Spanish Researcher First to Reveal Graphene Oxide - 22 min (StewPetersShow) La Quinta Columna website MICROTECHNOLOGY IN PFIZER'S VACCINE 8 min - COMPLEX MICROTECHNOLOGY IN PFIZER VACCINE VIAL - 12 min - THIS IS HOW THE INOCULATED MICROTECHNOLOGY WOULD SELF-ASSEMBLE INSIDE THE BODY - 6 min - DID A CELLPHONE ACTIVATE NANO BOTS FROM THE VAX AND KILL THIS LADY? YOU, VAX, PHONES AND STUDIES - 23 min vid - EFFECT OF GRAPHENE OXIDE ON MYOCYTES - 4 min - MORE MICROTECHNOLOGY, SELF-ASSEMBLIES, PARASITES, AND GRAPHENE OXIDE IN A NEW PFIZER VIAL - 9 min - GRAPHENE, MICROTECHNOLOGY, AND MORGELLONS IN PFIZER VACCINE - 15 min - NEW IMAGES OF MICROCIRCUITRY IN PFIZER "VACCINE" & MORGELLONS - 7 min (2/12/22) - MORGELLONS-TYPE STRUCTURES THAT "FEED" ON CRYSTALS - 2 min (2/19/22) - DR. SEVILLANO ON VEGETABLE-LIKE FILAMENTS FOUND IN VACCINATION VIALS - 6 min (2-20-22) *I personally have also seen these nano-fibers/morgellons, in face masks and foot detox in anti-nano bucket, under a 2000x microscope I bought from Amazon for $270. And yes, they move. -Bro H Graphene Bow-tie Nanoantenna for Wireless Communications in the Terahertz Band - document They are turning you into a living router. GRAPHENE OXIDE AND MICROTECHNOLOGY FOUND IN VACCINATION VIALS ANALYZED IN ARGENTINA - 34 min FAUCI & EVENT 201: CLEAR EVIDENCE OF FOREKNOWLEDGE AND PLANDEMIC PREPLANNING - 8 min compilation More coming...
COVID-19 is not a ‘virus’, it is an AGENDA
W H A T 'S NEXT? Digital Prison - 56 min (Aman Jabbi) Start at 12 min mark Former CDC DIRECTOR: BIRD FLU IS THE REAL PANDEMIC - C19 WAS JUST PRACTICE - 3 min BIRD FLU: the Next Pandemic? - 21 min (IceAgeFarmer) Beware Government’s Push For Digital Currency - article ( THE GLOBAL DIGITAL ID PRISON - 52 min (CorbettReport) THE WHO AS A PROXY WORLD GOVERNMENT - 21 min (Diana Lenska) Digital Identity EXCLUSIVE-IMF, 10 countries simulate cyber attack on global financial system - article Marburg virus disease - (The next Plandemic may be the Marburg virus. This is a hemorrhaging fever similar to Ebola with an 88% mortality rate. This will be fake Marburg. Many of the covid vaccine injured are displaying clots and uncontrollable bleeding. This will be claimed to be Marburg. GAVI and the WEF are already making announcements about the virus. They’ve already developed a PCR test for Marburg and they’re already rushing through a ‘vaccine’ for Marburg. The main ingredient in the new vaccine is Ricin. Highly toxic poison.) QUARANTINE CAMPS Interim Operational Considerations for Implementing the Shielding Approach to Prevent COVID-19 Infections in Humanitarian Settings - THE UN NOW HAS A COMPOUND IN UTAH - THEY ALSO HAVE MILITARY CAMPS ALL OVER THE US - 3 min vid Leaked the plan of domination of the population until 2025 - article (don't bother FactChecking, damage control is already 'debunking' it Correcting 'misinformation' ) "NEXT CRISIS BIGGER THAN COVID" - POWER GRID/FINANCE DOWN - WEF'S CYBER POLYGON - 14 min vid (Ice Age Farmer) CYBERPOLYGON - World Economic Forum You either get the Covid shot or you lose your doctor - 6 min vid ( see here if YouTube deletes it ) WATER WARS: MANUFACTURED DROUGHT TO CAUSE FOOD SHORTAGES, CLIMATE TOTALITARIANISM - 17 min vid THE SPARS PANDEMIC 2025 TO 2028 SIMULATED AT THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY IN 2017 - 25 min vid MUST SEE!!! SPARS Pandemic 2025-2028 pdf doc. Zombie Preparedness - CDC article
P A N D E M I C OF THE VACCINATED VACCINE ACQUIRED IMMUNE DEFICIENCY SYNDROME (VAIDS) - article/vid Hospitals around the world now being filled with “fully vaccinated” sick patients as injections rapidly spread new “variants” - article ( More coming....
PLANDEMIC BABIES Go to and type in 'Pandemic babies' in the search bar for more. BABIES OF VACCINATED PARENTS - 27 min Much more to come I'm sure....
FUNERAL HOMES Go to and type in 'Funeral Homes' in the search bar for more. EMBALMERS FIND VEINS & ARTERIES FILLED WITH NEVER BEFORE SEEN RUBBERY CLOTS - 30 min Much more coming I'm sure...
ATHLETES Go to and type in 'Athletes' in the search bar for more. A year of athletes collapsing - 769 sports related incidents [march 2021 - march 2022] - 1:06 min
THE GREAT RESET Call it what you want...Agenda 21, Agenda 2030, New World Order, the Great Reset. Fact is, this is not a 'virus', it's an Agenda. COVID is the planned trigger for the Great Reset. TECHNOCRATS-CORPORATIONS-BANKERS-GLOBALISTS ARE RUINING OUR LIVES Keep an eye on the World Economic Forum. THE PLAN: FROM COVID-19 TO TECHNOCRACY - 6 min YUVAL NOAH HARARI: WEF LEAD ADVISOR - 7 min Four Futures for Economic Globalization: Scenarios and Their Implications - - this agenda is not stopping!!! EMBOLDENED BY THEIR COVID SUCCESS - THEY ARE ADMITTING EVERYTHING TO YOUR FACE - 2 min Yuval Noah Harari is an adviser to Klaus Schwab and World Economic Forum which has used covid to implement the great reset which includes 5G under the skin tracking. YOU THOUGHT WE WERE KIDDING ? - 6 min KLAUS SCHWAB AND W.E.F. ARE YOUR GOVERNMENT [STILL THINK YOUR GOVERNMENT IS WORKING FOR YOU] - 13 min WEF CHOOSES YOUR WORLD LEADERS FOR YOU - 6 min (CorbettReport) KLAUS SCHWAB OF THE WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM ADMITS THAT HE HAS THEM ALL IN HIS POCKET! - 50 sec vid Klaus Schwab’s puppet ‘Young Global Leaders’ revealed - article ( WEF WARNS: GLOBAL WARMING TO DISRUPT FINANCIAL SYSTEM, "FREEZE" BANK ACCOUNTS - 5 min vid (IceAgeFarmer) Meet the World Economic Forum - 1:10 min report (CorbettReport) WELCOME TO THE YEAR 2030 - 25 min vid (No thanks, I'll pass) RE:SET - The New Normal - 53 min documentary Klaus Schwab: Great Reset Will "Lead To Fusion Of Our Physical, Digital, & Biological Identity" - article/vid (ZeroHedge) Klaus Schwab - article - his book describing his plans to kill billions of humans starting with whites Klaus Schwab and His Great Fascist Reset - article (theLibertyBeacon) COVID-19: The Great Reset - (WorldEconomicForum) Corbett Report: Your Guide To "The Great Reset," A New Global Marketing Campaign - vid PRINCE CHARLES TALKS THE GREAT RESET...AGAIN - 11 min vid (Hugotalks) COVID-19 lockdowns are in lockstep with the 'Great Reset' - article (RT) Build Back Better - 3 min vid (Hugotalks) 140+ Global Leaders Call for Free "People's Vaccine" to Put Human Lives Above Corporate Greed in Fight Against Covid-19 - article The United Nations and the Origins of "The Great Reset" - article Children of the Great Reset - 6 min vid Proof the Plandemic was Planned with a Purpose - website ( articles/vids/proof Look! They are telling us what's coming next. Cyber Polygon - A cyber attack is coming WEF and Digital Virus - 2 min (fear-porn ad by the World Economic Forum) Years and Years: The Future is Hand Phones - 1 min clip - BBC One - Years and Years - TV programming YOU WILL DO YOUR PART TO SAVE THE WORLD and like it! PUSHING THE 'CLIMATE CHANGE' HOAX Look how the WEF pushes Insects, Weeds, and Fake meat as food on us. You vill eat ze bugs - 8 min (Elites push) Compilation These insects are turning food scraps into chemicals for batteries and cosmetics - 1 min vid (WEF) 5 reasons we need to start nurturing – and eating – weeds - article (WEF Plan) Why you should start eating insects - ( Cultured chicken meat approved for sale in Singapore - article The Elitists Who Control You - 9 min vid MUST SEE! Un-elected Technocrat Eugenicist Communists run the world now?Things to look forward to in the New Normal Great Reset World. Thanks WEF. 15-Minute Cities - 2 min vid (WEF) (Everything you need in a 15 mile radius so you don't need a car) WEF Smart Masks - 1 min vid (WEF)(Tells you when to take a breath of fresh air and wash the mask) Things that may become obsolete post-pandemic - slideshow (MSN) More coming...
FOOD WILL BE USED AS LEVERAGE FOR THE AGENDA THE FOOD CRISIS IS ENGINEERED, BUT THE STARVATION WILL BE REAL - 23 min vid (HealthRanger-Natural News 10-23-21) AMERICA'S TOP OWNER OF FARMLAND: BILL GATES -- IN CONTROL OF FOOD - 17 min vid Why is Bill Gates buying all the Farmland? - 6 min vid (reallygraceful) SOYBEAN SHORTAGE & CYBERATTACK ON FOOD SUPPLY CHAIN: ACHILLES' HEEL - 18 min vid (IceAgeFarmer) More coming...
AGENDA 2030 is fed to the ignorant masses as…
But what ‘they’ really mean is…
AGENDA 2030 Agenda 2030 Explained - pdf (by Bro H) All 17 Goals, what they say, what they mean, what they really are. Tons of Links. MUST SEE !!! SHOCKING DOCUMENT REVEALS TRUDEAU'S REAL PLAN! - 58 min (CorbettReport)(Canada and Russia have the same UN 2030 plans) 6UILD 6ACK 6ETTER, THEY SAY... B=6 BBB = 666 - 2 min TO LEAD THE OPPOSITION YOU CONTROL/OWN THE OPPOSITION - 12 min From the movie “Early Warning” (1981) - 2 min vid (Twitter) THE WORLD IS FINISHED IF YOU DON'T WAKE UP NOW! - 3 min vid (Boris Johnson and the UN Plan for your future) AGENDA 2021 AND 2030 Lots of INFO in this link - It affects YOU!...Learn about it or be a mindless slave! More coming...
COVID PASS and APPS that tell you what you can and can't do. Surveillance is growing and here to stay. WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM COVID PASS AND WHAT IT TRACKS - 2 min (WEF) A National Vaccine Pass Has Quietly Rolled Out – And Red States Are Getting On Board - article ( Headed for a Digital Concentration Camp -Catherine Austin Fitts - 47 min THALUS Digital ID Wallet - website/vid PASSPORTS, GLOBALISTS, AND SLAVERY MADE SIMPLE - 34 min vid SMART workspace solutions - Unico Smart Office with AI to understand space utilization and office productivity - 1 min PANDA DATA FIRM CHAIRMAN: 'CHINA ASKED W.H.O. TO APPOINT CCP TO OVERSEE GLOBAL VACCINE PASSPORT' - 1 min vid Daily Pass for Schools - vid/article DIGITAL SLAVERY HAS ARRIVED - 27 min vid How Ticketmaster Plans to Check Your Vaccine Status for Concerts - article Airlines to Require “Health Pass,” Vaccine Certificate Before Allowing Passengers to Fly - article (Summit News) More coming...
DEPOPULATION AGENDA "They want to murder 6.5 Billion of us?" ...YES... IT'S CALLED GENOCIDE! EVIDENCE THAT RED STATES ARE BEING TARGETED WITH BATCHES OF HIGHER TOXICITY - 4 min - (Craig-Paardekooper) Seeking To Fulfill Kalergi Depopulation Agenda - article/links DR LORAINE DAY TALKS ABOUT THE DEPOPULATION PLAN AND THE REASON WHY THEY ARE PUSHING THESE VACCINES - 5 min vid Is Gene Editing the New Name for Eugenics? - article Midazolam was used to end the lives of thousands who you were told had died of Covid-19 & an NHS document proves Staff were ordered to do it - article Ernest Rauthschild: Issues 'Cease and Desist' order to ALL "Keepers of the Royal Assets" - article/vid IN 1994 160 NATIONS AGREED TO REDUCE THE WORLD POPULATION TO 800 MILLION BY 2030 - 6 min vid It's working! Results: DEATH-DEATH-DEATH-DEATH-DEATH CDC Report-Adverse Effects of COVID Vaccine - 3 min vid ( ) *They only report about 1% of the deaths and adverse effects. Former Pfizer VP to AFLDS: ‘Entirely possible this will be used for massive-scale depopulation’ - article DEATH COUNT: USA 20,622 INJURY COUNT: USA 983,756 Thru Dec 17, 2021 DEATH COUNT: Europe 31,014 INJURY COUNT: Europe 2,890,600 Thru Nov 20, 2021 Health Impact News - website Population Forecast - official website Oh! They took it down, but here's a snapshot from 2020 2025 US Population Forecast-100 million Deagel Makes Mysterious Changes To 2025 Population Forecast - blog Celeste Solum talks w/ David Icke - 1:23 vid (Very interesting info- example: listen at 32min mark Manual of Diagnostic Tests and Vaccines for Terrestrial Animals we are the terrestrial animals!!!) EUGENICS & THE CV-VAXX - 11 min vid (TruthFlix) THE BRITISH GOVERNMENT KNOWS IT'S COMMITTING GENOCIDE - 3 min vid Earth Needs Fewer People to Beat the Climate Crisis, Scientists Say - article (BloombergNews) Eco-GENOCIDE: 11,000 scientists sign order demanding globalists ELIMINATE billions of humans from planet Earth - article (NaturalNews) 11,000+ Scientists Call For Depopulation To Combat Climate Change! - 2 min vid What Is the Real Secret of the Georgia Guidestones? - 20 min vid AGENDA The Thinning - 1:04 min vid (shakingmyheadproductions2) How Is Agenda 21 Being Implemented Worldwide? - website 45 Population Control Quotes by Elite - (InfoWars)(*we don't support Alex Jones, but the quotes provided are real) Much more here: AGENDA 21 TECHNOCRACY A government or social system controlled by technicians, especially scientists and technical experts. We are being enslaved by unelected Millionaires-Scientists-Experts.![]()
5G Coverage Map Worldwide – map – Covid ‘cases’ map
The Plandemic 5G Secret Agenda Do you have any idea of the Dangers of 5G? It is convenient, but at what cost? 5G IS A BIG PART OF SELLING THE 'VIRUS' NARRATIVE. THE HARMFUL EFFECTS OF 60ghZ millimeter waves WILL CAUSE A 'MYSTERY ILLNESS' THAT WILL BE BLAMED ON A 'VIRUS' 26GHZ FOR 5G GRAPHENE NANO SELF ASSEMBLY IN COVID VACCINES - 4 min 5G IS WHAT'S KILLING US - 4 min (coronavirus map and 5G networks) 6G: The Next Horizon - - The Neural Network (Transhumanism) Defining 6G - article Travis Scott's Vaxxed Concert: Blood Sacrifice Ritual Activated By 5G ? - article ( Evidence for a connection between coronavirus disease-19 and exposure to radiofrequency radiation from wireless communications including 5G - ncbi.nlm.nih document What's in the Tests? - 1:54 min vid YOU NEED TO SEE THIS!!! BARRIE TROWER - EIN BISHER UNVEROFFENTLICHTE INTERVIEW (MICROWAVE TECHNOLOGY IS DESIGNED TO KILL US) - 9 min vid EXACTLY HOW 5G & EMF WILL MAKE US SICK WITH DR JACK KRUSE - 1:16 min vid QUATERNARY WEAPON SYSTEM Activated Before Each Coronavirus Cluster Explosion - article ( StateoftheNation ) Disability By Design: Covid-19, Titanium Dioxide and Electromagnetic Radiation - article (see pg 16) (December Edition-The Light)(many good articles) THE WAR ON CHILDREN, THE WAR ON OXYGEN AND THE COMING ATTACK ON YOUR CHILDREN IN SCHOOLS - 30 min vid (FullertonInformer) Barrie Trower on 5G | The Genocidal Nature of Non-Ionising Radiation - 1:50 min vid Sweden's Irradiated By 5G Technology - 3 min vid - Joe Imbriano warned in 2018 The Connection Between 5G and the Corona Virus - Dr.Young 5G Technology and induction of coronavirus in skin cells - study PUBLIC LAW 116–129—MAR. 23, 2020 - STRATEGY TO ENSURE SECURITY OF NEXT GENERATION WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMS AND INFRASTRUCTURE (Law passed to ensure lethal 5G weaponry against us) - Fullerton Informer YT channel - WIKIJoe YT backup channel - Joe Imbriano (All you need to know about 5G, Joe knows his stuff. Joe talks about 60GHz and everything else the controlled opposition avoids) "A WARNING TO THE WORLD. VIRAL Information #OperationRadiation" - 21 min vid (LogicBeforeAuthority) - website - tons of links Dana Ashlie on Corona Virus - 57 min vid Generation 5G & The Sound Of Silence - 10 min vid (smhp) Electrical Engineer Whistleblower Exposes 5G Health Hazards, Explains 5G Propagation Into Every Orifice of the Head - article (State of the Nation) The link between electromagnetic radiation and illnesses - article/vid/links Insight Into DARPA's Hydrogel - 33 min vid (Celeste Solum)(Tissue level continuous health monitoring sensor) Terahertz Frequencies and the Coronavirus Nanotechnology Blockchain Identity Agenda - 14 min vid (Alchemystica) More coming...*Many more links and info in: 5G DANGERS in the EXPOSING THE HIDDEN section. And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, My people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues. Revelation 18:4
CONTACT T R A C I N G It's not about protection, it's about control! Using Technologies for Data Collection and Management - (The Vaccine is the tracing program) Contact Tracing Scarier than you Imagined - 23 min vid * MUST SEE * Australia to allow contact tracers to access credit card transaction data - 6 min vid (skynews) Michigan Governor: Up To Six Months In Prison If Businesses Don’t Surveil Customers For Contact Tracing - article (the Federalist) “ISOLATION CAMPS – Voluntary Until They Are Not!” - 10 min vid Contact Tracing Group Funded By George Soros and Bill Gates, Chelsea Clinton on Board of Trustees - article Apple's iOS update is here — and it includes coronavirus contact tracing - article/vid Governor Inslee lays out statewide contact tracing plan for COVID-19 -article/vid/more links Here They Come! Will You Let Them Take Your Family?! - 10 min vid (HIF) We're Watching - 3 min vid (MediaBear)(parody) National Contact Tracer Correspondence School - 1 min vid
The Plandemic Agenda of a NEW WORLD ORDER "We are on the verge of a Global Transformation. All we need is the right major crisis and the Nations will accept the New World Order" -David Rockefeller Prayer AGAINST the NWO - 14 min Imprecatory prayer/info The Plan to Control the World - website ( NWO PLANS BEING IMPLEMNETED - Celeste Solum - 32 min vid - COVID-19 Strategic Intelligence - COVID Action Plan (These 2 sites show Global Response Plan) (MUST SEE!!!)(This is part of Agenda 2030) COVID Action Plan - Rooster's House explains it all. MUST SEE!! COVID-19 Strategic Preparedness and Response Program - World Bank Project (see page 6-this plandemic is an exercise and will end March 31,2025 !) Ultimate Proof: Covid-19 Was Planned To Usher In The New World Order - Excellent all-in-one superpage W.H.O -Global Preparedness Monitoring Board - A World at Risk (pdf.) 'They' have prepared for this (because 'they' caused this) COVID-19 Roadmap: 12 Step Plan To Create A Totalitarian “New World Order” - article/chart 8 predictions for the world in 2030 - (WorldEconomicForum) DOCUMENTARY: GLOBALIST WORLD WIDE TAKEOVER PLANNED FOR DECADES - COVID IS JUST THE BEGINNING - 18 min vid (Sarah Westall) ELITES ADMIT TO MANUFACTURING THE GREAT RESET!! - 35 min vid (HIF) United Nations New World Order - 12 min vid (SlaveNewWorld) ( UNN.W.O. Homepage ) Virus=NWO State Control - 6 min vid Lockstep...the 2010 plan for your future - document WO2020060606 - CRYPTOCURRENCY SYSTEM USING BODY ACTIVITY DATA - World Intellectual Property Organization U.S.S.A - 22 min vid (HIF) This is what Communism looks like. California Dreamin' - 7 min vid (Slave New World) Chicago Mayor: "Pick People that are PLEDGING ALLEGIANCE to the N.W.O." - 6 min vid (HIF) The Purpose of Disruption - 30 min vid (TruthstreamMedia) Bill Gates in charge of NY schools now, Bloomberg pushing all tracking tech ID2020 Mastercard joins the ID2020 Alliance - short vid More coming... *More info in: NEW WORLD ORDER in the EXPOSING THE HIDDEN section.Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. 1John 2:15
Genesis 11:6 And Yahweh said, “Look, they are one people and they all have one language, and this is what they begin to do! And now, they are not going to be withheld from doing whatever they plan to do.
The Plandemic Agenda of MARTIAL LAW Will you comply with Draconian measures? Will you snitch on your own countrymen/women? Do you think Martial Law is a good thing? Do you think your country controls it's own military? Public Health Act 2016 (WA) – Instrument of Authorisation – Authorisation to Supply or Administer a Poison [SARS-COV-2 (COVID-19) VACCINE – Australian Defence Force] (No.2) 2021 - document 7 min vid GENERAL FLYNN CALLS FOR MARTIAL LAW - 3 min vid THIS IS HOW YOU CONDITION THE MASSES FOR THE MILITARIZATION OF COVID-19(84)!!! - 5 min vid (PressForTruth) Police Chief To Forcibly Break Up Christmas Dinners - England UNLAWFUL BRUTAL LOCKDOWN MELBOURNE AUSTRALIA - 10 min vid (liabilitymate) (Cops have the right to do this?) Kettling of the Victorian People by Daniel Andrews Victoria Police - 2 min vid (“The tactic of completely surrounding a group of civilians leads to panic and increases the likelihood of a physical confrontation between the citizens and the police” "Tensions run high in a kettle—protesters can become agitated, giving police officers grounds to employ more violent tactics and conduct arrests." Article Source: What Is Kettling? Police State Contagion: US Plan to Use Bioweapons to Impose Martial Law One Quarantine at a Time - 15 min vid (VoxNews) MANDATORY “quarantine camps” were just rolled out in New Zealand - article (NaturalNews) Police officer snatches phone off elderly and threaten to arrest her - article (Such brave officers taking on elderly women!) Greece announces up to life in prison for violating coronavirus quarantine rules - article (Greek City Times) Enforcement in the Police State - 17 min vid (Pamela Popper) FEMA is More Powerful Than Trump or Congress - 'President' Trump gives the reigns over to FEMA March 13, 2020. - 10min vid (*Don't be fooled that Trump didn't know this was going to happen!) "HR 6666" Door-to-Door Testing and Contact Tracing Bill?! NO JOKE! - 3 min vid ( Link to the bill ) "We'll Be Removing People From Their Homes" - 2 min vid Assembly Bill A99 - NYS Senate - REMOVAL AND DETENTION OF CASES, CONTACTS AND CARRIERS WHO ARE OR MAY BE A DANGER TO PUBLIC HEALTH Introduced in 2015 Pre-filed in 2019 New Normal: Pandemic Police State - 22 min vid Admitted Plan is Working Globally - 37 min vid (Dana Ashlie) Need More Proof They Want To Control You? - 19 min vid (smhp) State of the Police State - 22 min vid (CorbettReport) Snitching on each other promoted. Some are woke to what's happening De Blasio’s social distancing tip line flooded with penis photos, middle fingers - (NYPost) Mayors Asking Residents to Socially Shame Those Not Wearing Masks in Public - article - Mandatory Face Mask Edict - 8 min vid (HIF) COPS WAGE ELABORATE UNDERCOVER SCHEME TO ARREST WOMAN FOR GIVING A MANICURE OUT OF HER HOME - article/links (RBN) LOOK WHAT 'THEY' ARE DOING - Look what YOU are supporting by being a Silent ORDER FOLLOWER! FOLLOW ME INTO THE BEAST KINGDOM - 3 min music vid Victoria police car knock man to ground before officer stomps on his head - article/vid (Mentally ill man in coma now!) AUSTRALIA GOES COMMUNIST - 2 min vid (warrantless break/enter) I’m NEVER Going Shopping Again – The “New Normal” Shopping Centre - 8 min vid It's Getting Worse - 17 min vid (HIF) All in the guise of 'safety'. State Sponsored Terrorism and Child Abuse TX Cops Arrest Cerebral Palsy Man for Wearing the Wrong Kind of Mask! Woman in NYC Tackled by Police in front of her kid for not wearing Face Mask Salon Owner Tries to Earn A Living....then comes OSHA, CPS, Fines, Threats, Intimidation by STATE - article/vidARE YOU GETTING CONCERNED YET? MILITARY ENFORCED VACCINATION!!! Trump is about to name a “vaccine czar” to run “Operation Warp Speed,” a fast-track scheme to distribute 300 million untested, unsafe vaccines across America before the end of the year. The person being named to the position is a former executive with GlaxoSmithKline, a criminal corporation that admitted to a large-scale felony bribery scheme in its $3 billion settlement with the DOJ. GSK’s bribery scheme involved 44,000 doctors and violated the laws of every state in the nation. US military to distribute the vaccine, according to CBS News “Operation Warp Speed” scheme is about skipping safety tests and clinical trials in order to roll out a risky, untested, unsafe vaccine that will be injected into you at gunpoint. RFID tagged, GPS located, DOD Vaccines It won’t be just any normal vaccine, either. Yesterday the Dept. of Defense issued a press release celebrating its effort to acquire 500 million “ApiJect” vaccine injection devices to be ready for the coronavirus vaccine. As described on the ApiJect website, the ApiJect syringe features RFID tracking and GPS geo-location combined with medical data sharing with a government cloud. Are you getting the picture yet? They want the people to rise up, so they can justify Martial Law. CAN YOU SEE THE PHASE OF INSTIGATION AND PROVOCATION? (Started May 25th with the orchestrated 'death' of George Floyd to start riots) Fake events provoking CIVIL UNREST and RACE WARS, usually started by cops and paid provocateurs. This is part of the PLAN to bring in Martial Law. Cop Dressed as Protestor Smashes Auto Zone Windows Pallet of BRICKS Dropped Off in Frisco, TX Pallet of BRICKS Dropped Off at Strategic Riot Sites Police in Boston Unloading TRUCK FULL OF BRICKS in City Streets More coming... *More info in: AMERICA section of the Menu.
KNOW YOUR RIGHTS NO store may enforce a policy that violates a law. NO State of Emergency suspends the law. Need legal remedies? Need info on how to fight for your rights? See: COVID-19 Scroll towards bottom to KNOW YOUR RIGHTS section.
COVID-19 and CLIMATE CHANGE It's not about a 'virus', it's about a NWO GLOBAL AGENDA! GRETA IS BACK! And She Wants You to Panic! - 2 min vid (Carl Vernon) Bill Gates: 'Shutting down' economy not nearly enough to stem climate change — we need to 'get rid of emissions from all the different sectors' - article (theBlaze) Jet-Powered Hypocrisy: Globalist Elites, Celebrities Leave Massive Carbon Footprints - article (Breitbart) * Climate Change is a HOAX! Need proof? GEO TERRORISM
List of OTHER SOURCES who bring you what THE Mainstream Media News WILL NOT NEWS/RESEARCH/JOURNALISM/INFORMATION/FACTS/BRAVE WHISTLEBLOWERS Their Bitchute channels are listed first, because YouTube does not honor the 1st Amendment and they delete their videos and channels. Dana Ashlie - YouTube channel Dollar Vigilante (Jeff Berwick) - YT channel Fullerton Informer - Joe Imbriano 2018 Fullerton Informer Interview on Rense - Joe warns of 5G dangers/agendas 2 yrs ago, now it's happening. TheCrowhouse (Max Igan) - (Crowhouse deleted by JewTube) liabilitymate shakingmyhead - YT channel - SMYP2 - backup YT channel - website - YT channel Amazing Polly - (Amazing Polly deleted by JewTube) A Call For An Uprising High Impact Flix - (Brian deleted by JewTube) Dr Carrie Madej - YT channel - Bitchute channel WellnessForumHealth-Pamela Popper - YT channel The Healthy American-Peggy Hall - Bitchute channel - Dr Andrew Kaufman - YT channel - website Vernon Coleman - (UK GP Dr, author, journalist) ( website )( BrandNewTube channel ) Ice Age Farmer - YT channel Next News Network (NNN) - website (tons of info/links) - website - website - website - website - website (All these channels list more links and information in their video description boxes)
Are you covered by the blood of Jesus? Do you know who you are and Whose you are?