The books of the Bible are listed in the same order as in the King James Version. They are filled with references and info and commentary. The words in parenthesis are either the correct word from the Hebrew and Greek, and/or the more accurate word from the definitions of that word from the original language. You can see how our scriptures have been altered over time and through revisions, innocent errors and deliberate deceit.![]()
Use this site as a quick reference guide to find answers instantly, or to really dive in and read each book and learn a treasure chest of amazing new things about our heritage, people and God. Use the SEARCH Widget on the Main Menu.
The Word Study papers are also in Book, Chapter, and Verse order.
This allows you to find verses quickly to view the context and what is being taught. I recommend reading the whole paper to fully understand the word or topic being studied. But it is also handy for quick referencing. These word studies are a full examination of each verse containing that word. For example: If you want to learn about the word 'faith', or 'saved', or 'repent', etc., you can go to the Word Study category from the menu, click the word you wish to study, and you will be able to examine each verse with that word, learn how it is used and what it really means. My Word Studies are a compilation of some of the info/works of other Preachers/Teachers along with my own research and insight. I include links/credits at the end of the papers.
The Who’s Who? section reveals Who is Who.
When you understand exactly who is who scripture makes sense.
The Who's Who? page contains links. If you click the drop arrow to the right of Who's Who? it will open a menu list of characters and information that will help identify who and what these things are.
The Harmony section is of compilations.
The books of Samuel, Kings and Chronicles are combined to give a complete easy-to-read story of the kings of Israel and Judah all in one account. The Ezra and Nehemiah Harmony gives a complete account between both those books which details the return to Jerusalem after Babylonian captivity. The Gospels are a compilation of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John's account. The Gospels Explained is just that. Explained. An all-in-one account plus concordance, commentary and explanation.
In the America menu is information demonstrating that America is in Scripture.
America was founded as a White Christian nation under Yahweh Almighty the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. America is the regathering place of the 12 tribes of Jacob, as prophesied in 2Sam 7:10, all the prophets, and many other places, and proven by prophetic identifying marks/fruits/actions, migration, ancestry, emblems, heritage, traditions, heraldry and archaeology.
This North American Continent is prophetic Zion. America is New Jerusalem.
Our Israelite/European ancestors came here to seek, build, and spread the Kingdom of Heaven = HimmelReich.
There is also Info on true American History and what has and is happening to America. The assault and destruction of our society, laws, posterity, and God.
Exposing the Hidden menu.
This menu is full of topics and things most people are not even aware of because they only know what society and mainstream media tells them.
You can also ask questions or leave comments and feedback by using the Contact page.
This website is a compilation of research, sermons, articles, commentary, references, videos and Spiritual guidance.
It also includes information on other topics of which this wicked ungodly society and the anti-Christ’s in authority do not want you to know.
The information contained on this site started out as my own personal records and references of what the Scriptures revealed to me as Truth. As my research grew and accumulated, I saved information and organized it. I basically found myself restoring the Bible back to as close to the original Hebrew and Greek as I have been led and shown. This site is for those who want to learn, study, and prove the Word, whether these things are so. And for those who are willing to learn the difference between what the “churches” teach and what original scripture teaches. There is a BIG difference.
The information on this site is a compilation of puzzle pieces. They all fit into the theme, message, identity and truth of our family, heritage, history, and our duty. The Bible is not a book in which the OT is about Jews and the NT is about the Gentile Church. Christianity is not a religion, it is an Heritage.
Many great teachers and shepherds with their research and guidance, the Holy Spirit, and the Father, have helped me in putting together what I believe is the closest, truthful, accurate, compiled, straightforward, simple, informational tool for those that wish to know Yahweh God the Father, Jesus Christ, and learn who you are, and Whose you are, and understand just what the Bible actually says.
I thank, and respectively use and share the information and research and teachings of those before me, some of which include 2 seedline and non-seedliners.
Bertrand L. Comparet 2SL, Eli James 2SL, Stephen Anderson 2SL, Wesley Swift 2SL, Arnold Kennedy, Sheldon Emry, William Finck 2SL, Clifton Emahiser 2SL, Peter Peters, Ben Williams, Willie Martin, Col. Jack Mohr, Earl Jones, and a few others.
None of these men, including myself, have everything 100% right. My first 13 years of learning was mainly with Two Seedline (2SL) preachers. I have learned more perfectly the Word of God and in 2024 have changed my stance on 2SL. I no longer believe in nor will continue to teach 2SL doctrine (the belief that Eve’s sin was sexual with a literal Satan, bearing Cain, or that the devil is literal, or that there are fallen angels and demons). I sincerely apologize to everyone who has trusted me as a teacher/guide and I pray that my error in this understanding only edifies the Body of Christ. Learning is an ongoing process, with mistakes and also wonderful breakthroughs in understanding. While we each have our blind spots, the important issues such as, the identity of True Israel, the enemies of True Israel, the theme and the context of scripture, and the name of our God, these we are in alignment. The Bible truly is the book of the race of Adam. Genesis 5:1.
When learning new things, please just stick with it, even if you don’t understand yet, if you keep going it will eventually make sense.
It matters who and what we believe in.
The truth is the truth, even if you don’t believe it.
I am eager to lead you in the right direction and willing to answer questions, and I also challenge you to question your “church doctrine” or other beliefs and compare it to scripture. Prove me wrong.
May Yahweh reveal knowledge and understanding to you.
P.S. Don’t forget to ask for forgiveness first. Start with a clean slate.