Audio Presentation Jesus was a Jew, or was He? Pt 1 - Intro - The common 'church' teaching - Genealogy of Joseph and Mary. Jesus was a Jew, or was He? Pt 2 - Definition/Description/Genealogy of and starting with Adam to Noah's sons and the nations they founded. The line through Shem to Abraham. Jesus was a Jew, or was He? Pt 3 - Abraham thru Jacob and his 12 sons and the nations they founded. Also covered - Ishmael. The sons of Keturah. Esau. Jacob's son Judah. Zedekiah's daughters. Ollam Fodla (Jeremiah) and the Stone of Destiny. Jesus was a Jew, or was He? Pt 4 - Judah's sons Zarah and Pharez. Pharez to Jesus. Boaz and Ruth. David to Joseph and Mary. Jesus' Family Tree to the British. Missing years of Jesus (age 12-30). Power point summary of the word 'Jew' in the Bible. Jesus was a Jew, or was He? Pt 5 - Was Jesus a Jew by religion? The differences between Judaism and Christianity (side-by-side chart) Jesus was a Jew, or was He? Pt 6 - Did Jesus like being called Rabbi? The Wailing Wall is not the Temple. INRI. Portraits of Jesus. Portraits of Jewish Jesus. Eyewitness and historical accounts of Jesus' appearance. Jesus was a Jew, or was He? Pt 7 - The Marks of Israel (who fits these marks?). The prophecy of Obadiah. STUDY summary. Links. * When you open the audio tab, minimize it and you can follow along with the document and pause when needed.
JESUS WAS A JEW, OR WAS HE? – pdf document. by Brother Hebert (click to follow along)
Other Preachers on whether Jesus was a Jew or not Sheldon Emry Jesus Christ The Galilean - pdf. Arnold Kennedy Jesus was Not 'Jewish' - pdf. Col. Jack Mohr He Could Not Have Been a Jew - pdf. Willie Martin Christ Was Not a Jew - article Bertrand Comparet 2SL Was Yahshua a Jew? - article Wesley Swift 2SL Was Christ a Jew? - article Eli James 2SL Jesus Was Not a Jew - article Jesus Was Not A Jew - Benjamin Freedman - article Jesus Christ Was Not A Jew - Perkins - article Jesus Christ Was Not A Jew - Rev. Oren F. Potito - article Truth-Books Jesus was not a Jew - article Jesus Was Not a Jew - W.G. Finlay - article Jesus Was Not a Jew - Marilyn Allen - article