The Jews

Who the Jews are. It is not a mystery if you know the truth.

If you find this hard to believe, will you believe it from the mouth of famous people throughout history?

Would you believe who the Jews are from their own mouth?

Would you believe who the Jews are from the mouth of Jesus?

Would you believe who the Jews are from the mouth of God?

This Section covers and presents the undeniable truth of who the Jews are, why they are NOT Israel, and why we are under their yoke. Click the V-drop arrow next to ‘The Jews’ on the side menu to open much more.

  Jew OR Judah? – by Brother Hebert

Other Preachers on the Jews

Sheldon Emry
The Origins Of The “Jews” - article
An Open Letter To Any Minister Who Teaches “the Jews Are Israel” by Sheldon Emry - article
This is a report on Koestler's book of that name which gives historical proof that today's Jews are descended from Japheth and are NOT Israelites!  Pt 1Pt 2

Peter J. Peters
The Most Confusing Word in the Bible - JEW - audio on YT/audio on

Matthew Dyer of Christian America Ministries
Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob were NOT Jews - 26 min
Curious Case of the Word 'JEW' - 33 min

Arnold Kennedy
Could the Modern Jews be Israel? - article

Col. Jack Mohr
WHO ARE THE JEWS? Part 1 - Part 2

Charles A. Weisman
Who Is Esau Edom? - book

Eustace Mullins
The Biological Jew - pdf.

Henry Ford 
The International Jew - book

Bertrand Comparet 2SL
Who are the Jews? - article
The Bible is Not a Jewish Book - article
Who are the Jews? & Who are the Gentiles? & The Great Masquerade - Side A - Side B

Wesley Swift 2SL
Who are the Jews? - article

Eli James 2SL
Who OR What is a Jew? - article
An Informed Consensus: An Essay on the Proper Usage of the Word ‘Jew’ - article
Who is GOG? - article

Webster and the Term "Jew" by William Norwood Hollis - article

Clifton Emahiser 2SL
Who Are the Jews? - article
Jews Are Neither Israel Nor Judah! - article

The Thirteenth Tribe The Khazar Empire and its Heritage Arthur Koestler